Fiberglass Wool Blanket in Nairobi, Kenya

Fiberglass wool insulation also known as glass wool is the oldest and popular insulation material Kenya and other parts of the World. It was discovered in the 19th century by a researcher named Russel Games. The glass wool insulation has been in existence for over 80 years though being outdated with other insulation materials such as rock wool insulation and polyethylene form. Glass wool is a perfect sound/thermal insulating solution for office partitions, ceilings and wall cladding
How to Install Fiberglass wool Insulation
Fiberglass wool insulation is very economical and easy to install within studs and timber joists. Based on experiments glass wool has an R-Value of 2.2 to 2.7 per inch which is lower than that of rock wool insulation. Mineral wool or rock wool has an R Value of 3.0 to 3.3 per inch. The glass wool can be sold with or without paper cover or reflective foil. This insulating material can be installed in single or several layers for increased sound efficiency
Fiberglass wool Hazards
Fiberglass wool insulation may cause temporary irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Avoid contact with eyes and skin, wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved clothing, gloves and eye protection when handling and applying the material. Wash with soap and warm water after handling
Unusual Fire Hazards: Glass wool insulation is a non-flammable product. The kraft and foil facing and packaging material will burn; caution should be used when working close to the facing or packaged material with open flame. Chemicals in adhesives, facings or plastic packaging products that do not present a health hazard under normal conditions may be released during a fire. Toxic fumes and gases that may result from incomplete combustion include carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride and low-level cyanides. In case of overexposure, remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen and consult a physician
Warrantee: No warranty is given with respect to its accuracy and/or reliability. The information relates only to the particular product and not to the product when used in combination with any other materials. It is the user’s responsibility to take proper precautions when using this product and ensure its own compliance with applicable local laws and regulations.